Katarina Full Dmg Fast Combo

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Again trying to defend your statements by other players' performance? That has absolutely no value?
What happened to LoL hacks and Morde dealing tripple the damage he should?
Don't make me to post a video...? Shall I post you one of my videos where I zone a Katarina out - making her utterly useless? Will that make us even or...? I don't even know anymore.
Gankplank had a 100% win rate in challenger the other day. That champion is broken man! Gotta nerf! Even though it's simply a plain skill and those people deserve it. But ye - you haven't lost to such a champion so I believe GankPlank is balanced.
Sir, please, try to say it more logical. Now it doesn't make any sense. By the way - if you get scared like a cat and let her walk away right after she made her combo on you (which has like ... 10 or 12 seconds cooldown?) it's your fault. You can fight her back exactly after she dealt her damage. You let her go - of course you deserved to lose the trade. She is outtraded by most of mages out there. The reason why she is powerful is that she has her reset.
So I'm going to say this again - she is a clean-up champion. Not a scary assassin like you'd like to make her. If you are that dissatisfied with her ult damage - I'm going to say this.
'reposition, Silence, CC, Zhonya' There are quite a few ways to avoid her ult.

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Since the rework was finally shown I have been thinking about some combos for her because Katarina is all about her combos. I only have one right now but I will be thinking of more. 1) Basic Poke Safe Combo - W to send up a dagger then Q the enemy E to the dagger and since you picked up the dagger the shunpo's cooldown will be lower. May 25, 2013  My tip to everyone.body/luck = high hp/ high crits -Katarina luck= Keep her in ghost I find her to be useless in battle. Shes a mf/buff tool.Get the%hp on rage use aura this alone heals for 700hp -Get cleave for aoe dmg havnt tried the others but im lvl 21 cleaving for 900's.Spells I have is the ethreal cloak or w/e its called and the dash.

Katarina Full Dmg Fast Combo List

Yes, it's my smurf.
I made this smurf when the euro server had literally more downtime than uptime. Was sick of never being able to play LoL, and made the NA smurf.
And I have no idea what I have or haven't played on this account anymore...
As for Kat: the nerf to her (already horrid) early game made her so exploitable that you should be able to destroy her every game. The problem is that the current meta is pretty much designed to give Kat a good game.
You know just as well as I do that assassins become useless if you deny them due to their lack of utility and general reliance on snowballing. The only thing Kat can really do early game now is farm farm farm farm. So anihalating her just boils down to letting her push the wave over and over (lasthitting like an ADC) and harassing her whenever she goes to farm. She can't farm without pushing the lane anymore. Old Kat had increasing bounces on ranking Q, so by the time she auto-pushed she actually had some zoning power (not to mention that the bounces were random so you couldn't dodge them with good positioning). New kat is just helpless early game if you have good minion wave control (let her push, but try to freeze in front of the turret. Trade as hard as you can whenever you can. This includes your auto-attacks).
But I just don't see it happen. Just look at TnA's most recent game (kat vs anivia, 2600 ELO ish I guess). The anivia was spamming her Q on minions during the early laning phase. Whoopty doo! Anivia invests mana in making sure that the wave pushes to Kat so she can keep farming and get past her horrid early game... I truely believe that it's a meta issue. There's a reason that the general meta evolved towards powerfarming, but in specific matchups it's just not a smart thing to do.
Sorry for the long post. Have a potato!

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