Ffxi Level A Thf Do No Dmg

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Reforged Armor
Artifact:IL109 • IL119/+2/+3Relic: IL109 • IL119/+2/+3Empyrean: IL109 • IL119
Abjurations IL119JSE Necks
Superior Equipment: Su1/Su2/Su3/Su4/Su5 • Augments
Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • EscutcheonsLatest Update Items

Jul 22, 2016  It's good to have THF up to 99 anyways when you want to farm drops, unless you plan to put effort into a non THF TH set. Other than that, THF and DNC are very similar in core function and gear. Natively, THF has%19 more Triple Attack than DNC, and%3 more Crit Damage, but DNC has Sabre Dance (%50-20 Double Attack).

When you start the game, your initial level cap is set at 50. Through a series of quests you can gradually increase your level cap to the maximum of 99. These quests are called Limit Breaks or Genkai.

Limit Breaks 1-4 (50 → 70)

The first 4 limit break quests are the same for all 22 jobs.

  • Limit Break1/Genkai1: Level 55- In Defiant Challenge
  • Limit Break2/Genkai2: Level 60- Atop the Highest Mountains
  • Limit Break3/Genkai3: Level 65- Whence Blows the Wind
  • Limit Break4/Genkai4: Level 70- Riding on the Clouds

Limit Break 5 (70 → 75)

The Limit Break to level 75 quest involves a one-on-one fight against a master of the job.

The 15 jobs from the original game and the Rise of the Zilart expansion (Warrior, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Thief, Paladin, Dark Knight, Beastmaster, Bard, Ranger, Samurai, Ninja, Dragoon, Summoner) feature a fight against Maat, who will change his abilities depending on the job.
All original Limit Break 5 quests require an appropriate Testimony for the job with which you wish to battle Maat.

  • Testimonies are good for three attempts before needing to be reacquired.

Also, when you enter the battlefield your Support Job will be restricted meaning that you will lose all buffs (except for food) and TP. You will also not lose EXP should you be defeated in the battlefield as long as it is for Limit Break 5.

  • Players in possession of the 'Rhapsody in Umber' key item will be permitted to call Trusts in this fight.

Limit breaks for the first 15 jobs.

  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75- Shattering Stars

Limit breaks for the jobs introduced in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion feature fights with different opponents.

  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Blue Mage)- The Beast Within: Raubahn
  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Corsair)- Breaking the Bonds of Fate: Qultada
  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Puppetmaster)- Achieving True Power: Shamarhaan

Limit breaks for the jobs introduced in the Wings of the Goddess expansion also feature fights with different opponents.

  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Dancer)- A Furious Finale: Laila
  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Scholar)- Survival of the Wisest: Schultz and his Crimson Grimoire

Limit breaks for the jobs introduced in the Seekers of Adoulin expansion also feature fights with different opponents.

  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Geomancer)- Elementary, My Dear Sylvie: Sylvie
  • Limit Break5/Genkai5: Level 75 (Rune Fencer)- Endeavoring to Awaken: Octavien

Limit Break 6-10 (75 → 99)

  • Limit Break6/Genkai6: Level 80- New Worlds Await
  • Limit Break7/Genkai7: Level 85- Expanding Horizons
  • Limit Break8/Genkai8: Level 90- Beyond the Stars
  • Limit Break9/Genkai9: Level 95- Dormant Powers Dislodged
  • Limit Break10/Genkai10: Level 99- Beyond Infinity

Limit Breaks for each level need only to be completed once. For the fifth limit break (raising the level cap to 75), finishing any one of the quests will allow all other jobs to reach level 75, even if the job was not covered by that particular quest.

Pages in category 'Limit Break Quests'

The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.










Ffxi Thf Guide

Ffxi Thf Gear

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Reforged Armor
Artifact:IL109 • IL119/+2/+3Relic: IL109 • IL119/+2/+3Empyrean: IL109 • IL119
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Job Ability Information
Type Level
Level Obtained 15
Description Allows your next melee attack to deal extra damage when striking an enemy from behind.
Duration 00:01:00 (or next melee attack round)
Recast 00:01:00 (base)
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 0
Command /ja 'Sneak attack' <me>
Group 1 Ranks Available 5
Effect of each Rank Each merit level reduces recast by 00:00:02.
Category Sneak Attack Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase DEX bonus by 1%.


  • Sneak Attack will wear off after the next melee attack round or weapon skill and have no effect unless the player satisfies one of these activation conditions:
    • The monster is currently affected by Bully
    • The player is behind the monster
    • The player is invisible due to the ability Hide.

  • If an activation condition is met, the ability will force the next melee swing to critical hit.
    • This critical will apply even to the first hit of physical or hybrid Weapon Skills that do not normally Critical Hit. However, it does not work on magical weapon skills.

  • If an activation condition is met, this ability guarantees also the next melee swing will hit (100% hit rate).
    • The accuracy bonus also applies to the offhand hit of the melee round or Weapon Skill when dual-wielding, but does not apply to additional attacks (e.g. Triple Attack) or multiple hits of most Weapon Skills (e.g. only the first swing of Asuran Fists)
      • There is some old testing indicating that it does apply to multiple hits of Sturmwind and Tachi: Enpi (referenced below), but it is unclear whether that is still the case.

  • If an activation condition is met and the player is playing Thief main job, they will also receive an additional base damage bonus on the next melee swing or first swing of a physical or hybrid weapon skill.
    • Weapon damage is calculated by adding the DEX stat to weapon damage at the time the blow lands.
    • When added to Weapon Skills, the DEX is added to base damage after the fTP multiplier is applied.
      • For high fTP WSs (like Rudra's Storm) this means that the base damage boost plays a relatively minor role in determining the final damage.

  • Ranged attacks are unaffected, and do not cancel the ability.
  • Counter attacks are affected and do not cancel the ability, but are only possible on monsters that do not reposition or when used with Bully.
Equipment Modifying Ability...
Equipment PieceModifier
Raider's Armlets +1 Increases Sneak Attack damage by giving 1.1 base damage per DEX.
Raider's Armlets +2 Increases Sneak Attack damage by giving 1.2 base damage per DEX.
Skulker's Armlets Increases Sneak Attack damage by giving 1.2 base damage per DEX.
Skulker's Armlets +1 Increases Sneak Attack damage by giving 1.25 base damage per DEX.
Vajra (Level 75) Sneak Attack damage +10%
Vajra (Level 80) Sneak Attack damage +15%
Vajra (Level 85) Sneak Attack damage +20%
Vajra (Level 90) Sneak Attack damage +25%
Vajra (Level 95) Sneak Attack damage +25%
Vajra (Level 99) Sneak Attack damage +30%
Vajra (Level 99 II) Sneak Attack damage +30%
Vajra (Level 119) Sneak Attack damage +30%
Vajra (Level 119 II) Sneak Attack damage +30%


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