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According to Dr. Kendall, Ph.D., author of Building Wellness With DMG, and widely considered to be the world’s leading expert in the biochemistry and therapeutic applications of DMG: “DMG occupies a key spot in the metabolic pathway, which makes the cells of the body work more effi-ciently. Wellness, safety and recovery. BE WELL FOR LIFE 3. We support this vision by building upon our core values – compassion, caring,. Ap r oite dmg hc nf, do the best job possible of assuring that each consumer receives the services that provide the best outcomes.

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Building Wellness With Dmg Pdf

Building Wellness With Dmg Pdf Download

‘The Iodine Crisis’ by Lynne Farrow

Thanks to environmental pollutants Iodine deficiency has become a worldwide epidemic. Everybody knows pollutants cause cancer. What they don’t know is that these pollutants cause a deficiency that can make us sick, fat and stupid. Iodized salt–supposedly a solution to iodine deficiency– is actually a nutritional scam which provides a false sense of security.

The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow explains how we became so deficient, then shows the time-tested solution to reversing many conditions. Lynne Farrow reveals how she and thousands of other patient-activists changed their lives by researching and using iodine. Frequently Asked Questions cover everything you need to know about iodine. The proof of iodine’s benefit is demonstrated by the dramatic case studies shared in this book.

Building Wellness With Dmg Pdf Player

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