Why Is Valkyrie Dmg So Low

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  1. Why Is Valkyrie Dmg So Low Song
  2. Why Is Valkyrie Dmg So Low Price
in PvE Discussion
Considering coming back to the game. Have a level 49 warrior. Is warrior viable at max level for DPS in PvE parties?
At this time, do not want to tank, but on a whole, I like tanking (have raid MT/OT in other MMOs). I just know I have a lot to learn before I even attempt that so I'll start out doing the dips.


Why Is Valkyrie Dmg So Low Song

  • Warrior tanking is frankly obsolete at this point. The way tanking works has been tweaked to a more dps-centric formula, and warrior tank has such lackluster dps that it is just not viable as a tank compared to lancers or brawlers.
    In terms of dps, warrior dps isn't really high. But it's not low either. It's at a comfortable mid tier i'd say, which is pretty much the case for all old classes.
    But warriors will always have easy access to pve parties because of the massive amount of endurance debuffs that they bring. With lingering glyphs, warriors can guarantee a near perma 15% endurance debuff with combative strike and traverse cut, which in and of itself is amazing, but is even more amazing when coupled with the various debuffs done by healers and tanks.
  • Thanks.
    So this reminds me of the Brigand class from EQ2. They had some really great debuffs that lowered monster defense so much the raid/group DPS increased by a huge factor.
    I'm just fine with this. In fact, from a newbie standpoint, it makes things easier since I will not have to worry about MTing in groups right away as I learn the max level atomsphere/etc.
  • Keep using debuffs and stacking edge as fast as possible for scythe and you should be alright. Worst that could happen is that you party with another warrior and you are forced to either share edge or let him take all scythes because he does more damage with them.
  • Warrior PVE dps got a huge buff and is very viable. The new blade draw glyph is exceptional and with 200+ crit rate BD will almost always crit now.
    Warrior tanking became viable again with the buffs but only if you know what you are doing and are built for crits + asp.
  • edited July 2016
    But warriors will always have easy access to pve parties because of the massive amount of endurance debuffs that they bring. With lingering glyphs, warriors can guarantee a near perma 15% endurance debuff with combative strike and traverse cut, which in and of itself is amazing, but is even more amazing when coupled with the various debuffs done by healers and tanks.
    Not to be rude but I'm guessing you don't play warrior... it doesn't work like that. Traverse is the only debuff they bring to the table (4.55% iirc) which is equivalent to what an archer brings in their trap and they don't stack. Combative strike does not stack with any of the tank endurance debuffs such as Debilitate and Jackhammer. You don't need lingering glyphs to get 'near perma' uptime. The 2 skills that give debuffs are core warrior skills which are used often. So even without a lingering glyph, there should be 100% uptime unless there are mechanics that force you away from the boss.
  • Warriors after class balance can rip brawler aggro with a chain of bladedraw resets into a scythe. Just have to build correctly. Same goes for holding aggro. Bladedraw crits and scythe 20% dmg bonus gave warriors good burst dps ability. CS(8%) and TC(4ish%) debuff gets you 12% endurance buff in most cases unless another class debuff takes priority.
    Most people should just delete their warriors if they aren't willing to learn how to play them properly. It was the only 5 star class for a reason.
  • Warriors after class balance can rip brawler aggro with a chain of bladedraw resets into a scythe. Just have to build correctly. Same goes for holding aggro. Bladedraw crits and scythe 20% dmg bonus gave warriors good burst dps ability. CS(8%) and TC(4ish%) debuff gets you 12% endurance buff in most cases unless another class debuff takes priority.
    Most people should just delete their warriors if they aren't willing to learn how to play them properly. It was the only 5 star class for a reason.

    I'll have to agree here. If one is not committed to learn the class, one will perform poorly as it. This even goes down to the easiest classes. I've seen +12 Slaughter ninjas taking a full 5 minutes killing an IoD naga, when for those proficient with the class feel even 30 seconds is too slow.
  • Warriors after class balance can rip brawler aggro with a chain of bladedraw resets into a scythe.
    Must be a garbage brawler. I still tank with a schisma lancer/brawler and I never lose aggro unless the dps is +15 vm7 and very skilled. Aggro is such a joke now it's insulting.
  • Warriors after class balance can rip brawler aggro with a chain of bladedraw resets into a scythe.
    Must be a garbage brawler. I still tank with a schisma lancer/brawler and I never lose aggro unless the dps is +15 vm7 and very skilled. Aggro is such a joke now it's insulting.

    I have no problem with holding against full +15 300+ crit ninja with +12 slaughter brawler. Maybe I lose some agro with lancer in DF and FI last boss since, it's hard to do count shield.
    With same skill and gear, Ninja is still top tier dps. Reaper and Slayer are slightly stronger than another dps classes.
  • edited July 2016
    Warrior only have 2 real damage skills. Blade draw and Scythe. Rest include rain of blows deal negligible damage.
    Are you lucky to get as many blade draw resets as possible? I am too tired of stacking edges by very weak damaging skills like poison blade, rising fury and reaping slash when blade draw is on cooldown. I wish deadly gamble were permanent as I hunger for blade draw too much.
    Are you the only warrior in your party so nobody will battle against you for Scythe? Too many people play warrior it is not going to happen a lot in pick up groups like instance match.
    Let's talk about party support. Your combative strike debuff is surely overwritten by lancer or brawler with their counterpart skills. You still have traverse cut but sadly it can be replaced by archer with just 1 single shot. Your 13 pokes are simply for nothing.
    You want be a tank? Pray to god that no warrior DPS will join your party. You will lose a huge source of aggro generation by sacrificing Scythe to that unwelcome warrior DPS.
    Why did BHS still buff Blade draw and Scythe damage that make warriors be even more relying on them.
    My opinion, poison blade, traverse cut and reaping slash need 10x damage(Don't be surprised, they are even weaker than auto attack and dealing 0 damage). Rising fury need better scaling when in low HP like how slayer's fury strike scales.
    I do not intend to offend warrior but this is the current state of this class. Play what you want and enjoy
  • Why did BHS still buff Blade draw and Scythe damage that make warriors be even more relying on them.
    My opinion, poison blade, traverse cut and reaping slash need 10x damage(Don't be surprised, they are even weaker than auto attack and dealing 0 damage). Rising fury need better scaling when in low HP like how slayer's fury strike scales.
    I do not intend to offend warrior but this is the current state of this class. Play what you want and enjoy

    You do realize that each skill's edge generation, and the time it takes to do the skill are essential to count for the skill's DPS. This puts Poison Blade to a very high priority skill, especially with noctenium, since it doubles the generated edge, and is so fast to cast.
    Aslo, every time your BD goes on cooldown, you can easily fit in a PB, CS, RoB and do RF (that's 4 or 5 Edge), just as BD comes off cooldown to chain into it from RF
    Traverse Cut was never intended to be a DPS skill to begin with. It's a debuff that helps with the damage of other skills. It's not supposed to hit hard.
    Plus, Reaping Slash is useless in PvE, so why even use it~
    IMO, Warriors have the most flexible/diverse kit in the game, and with the recent, much needed buffs are well above average dps, if played correctly.
  • Warrior only have 2 real damage skills. Blade draw and Scythe. Rest include rain of blows deal negligible damage.
    Are you lucky to get as many blade draw resets as possible? I am too tired of stacking edges by very weak damaging skills like poison blade, rising fury and reaping slash when blade draw is on cooldown. I wish deadly gamble were permanent as I hunger for blade draw too much.
    Are you the only warrior in your party so nobody will battle against you for Scythe? Too many people play warrior it is not going to happen a lot in pick up groups like instance match.
    Let's talk about party support. Your combative strike debuff is surely overwritten by lancer or brawler with their counterpart skills. You still have traverse cut but sadly it can be replaced by archer with just 1 single shot. Your 13 pokes are simply for nothing.
    You want be a tank? Pray to god that no warrior DPS will join your party. You will lose a huge source of aggro generation by sacrificing Scythe to that unwelcome warrior DPS.
    Why did BHS still buff Blade draw and Scythe damage that make warriors be even more relying on them.
    My opinion, poison blade, traverse cut and reaping slash need 10x damage(Don't be surprised, they are even weaker than auto attack and dealing 0 damage). Rising fury need better scaling when in low HP like how slayer's fury strike scales.
    I do not intend to offend warrior but this is the current state of this class. Play what you want and enjoy

    As a warrior, I can't agree with this post more. xD
    Even if Warrior doesn't get other skills buffed to deal more damage, there should be an uncommon or rare glyph for Bladedraw to allow it to reset more, like a 60% chance as an uncommon and an 80% for Rare (is that too OP?). Poison blade's DOT should definitely be buffed, and by default able to be stacked twice, with a glyph to make it stack three or four times. Traverse cut and Reaping Slash all need more damage buffs.
    This is strictly for PVE btw. ^_^
  • edited July 2016
    Even if Warrior doesn't get other skills buffed to deal more damage, there should be an uncommon or rare glyph for Bladedraw to allow it to reset more, like a 60% chance as an uncommon and an 80% for Rare (is that too OP?). Poison blade's DOT should definitely be buffed, and by default able to be stacked twice, with a glyph to make it stack three or four times. Traverse cut and Reaping Slash all need more damage buffs.
    This is strictly for PVE btw. ^_^

    There is already a Carving glyph for Blade Draw already. If you are following the standard advice for Warriors and rolling 323 total crit when fully buffed with Assault Stance, that glyph should take you from Blade Draw critting 45% of the time to critting 69.7% of the time.
    Whilst that glyph does say 'doubles the chance to crit', it's a binomial double like zerk glyphs and not a true double like Scythe.

    I think that the skill of playing a Warrior comes from working around the Blade Draw resets and working out how to build your way to 10 Edge without it. I was playing around today where I did the following with noctenium a couple of times:
    Charging -> Blade Draw (no reset) -> DFA -> Combative -> RoB -> PB -> Vortex -> Blade Draw -> Scythe.
    And will be a very specific chain I probably won't use that often.
    I wouldn't like Deadly Gamble to be permanent, because Warriors would become Charging -> Blade Draw on repeat, and that requires no skill and is boring.
    A big change would be making each Warrior have their own individual Edge meter,
    To answer the original question posed by @kilosi , yes, Warrior DPS is still viable. If you take the time to learn the class with the ins-and-outs, you should be able to compete other players that are good at their class.
  • Warrior only have 2 real damage skills. Blade draw and Scythe. Rest include rain of blows deal negligible damage.
    Are you lucky to get as many blade draw resets as possible? I am too tired of stacking edges by very weak damaging skills like poison blade, rising fury and reaping slash when blade draw is on cooldown. I wish deadly gamble were permanent as I hunger for blade draw too much.
    Are you the only warrior in your party so nobody will battle against you for Scythe? Too many people play warrior it is not going to happen a lot in pick up groups like instance match.
    Let's talk about party support. Your combative strike debuff is surely overwritten by lancer or brawler with their counterpart skills. You still have traverse cut but sadly it can be replaced by archer with just 1 single shot. Your 13 pokes are simply for nothing.
    You want be a tank? Pray to god that no warrior DPS will join your party. You will lose a huge source of aggro generation by sacrificing Scythe to that unwelcome warrior DPS.
    Why did BHS still buff Blade draw and Scythe damage that make warriors be even more relying on them.
    My opinion, poison blade, traverse cut and reaping slash need 10x damage(Don't be surprised, they are even weaker than auto attack and dealing 0 damage). Rising fury need better scaling when in low HP like how slayer's fury strike scales.
    I do not intend to offend warrior but this is the current state of this class. Play what you want and enjoy

    Warrior's edge is being reworked eventually, and having all their abilities deal more damage while lowering Scythe/BD just makes the class easier, as you no longer have to manage edge to really do damage. It's why if you look at Gunners there is a wide range of how much damage they do because their fillers also deal mediocre damage since they're designed around managing WP and abusing BF. I believe Warriors like managing edge to get that really big crit at the end, especially since the people who actually play Warrior well only ever complain about edge being shared.
  • Warrior's edge is being reworked eventually, and having all their abilities deal more damage while lowering Scythe/BD just makes the class easier, as you no longer have to manage edge to really do damage. It's why if you look at Gunners there is a wide range of how much damage they do because their fillers also deal mediocre damage since they're designed around managing WP and abusing BF. I believe Warriors like managing edge to get that really big crit at the end, especially since the people who actually play Warrior well only ever complain about edge being shared.
    This! So much this!
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Why Is Valkyrie Dmg So Low Price


  • @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:
    I am lost how would making low hp classes have more power make berserker amulet over perform? If any thing the current system is some classes have more base hp and being broken becomes of it. So in a round about way you agree with me.

    cuz they will use berserker amulet and destroy everything. base hp isn't as big a factor as damage output and sustain. I wouldn't be against low hp getting something like a 2k hp boost but nothing else needs to be changed that drastically.

    If HP base is not a big factor, why then not have large HP pool for low HP pool classes. After all, it does not matter. Also, core guardian with Valkyrie, pre RI nerf, was no where close to dominating sPvP. What makes you think they with large/medium HP pool? They should be about where they are pre nerf, versus now where they are completely out of the meta.

    Kinda the same for thief and ele.

    I much rather Anet make big meaningful adjustments, to open diversity, rather than the underwhelming limited changes they have been doing now that have don’t anything but kill mirage and core guardian in a year plus now.

  • @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:
    I am lost how would making low hp classes have more power make berserker amulet over perform? If any thing the current system is some classes have more base hp and being broken becomes of it. So in a round about way you agree with me.

    cuz they will use berserker amulet and destroy everything. base hp isn't as big a factor as damage output and sustain. I wouldn't be against low hp getting something like a 2k hp boost but nothing else needs to be changed that drastically.

    Hp is 0 dmg out put for dmg sustain only works when your not getting one shot and your going all in to do full heals from hits. The way the game is you have classes getting 8k hp boost with nothing changed to power. That makes berserker amulet over perform.

    i'm not sure what you're saying.

    You do not understand what i am suggestion. I want low hp classes to have higher power then 1k. And the amount of denial by the player base and devs that its 'ok' to have power like this and hp vary from 11k to 19k because of classes a lone is beyond me. Berserker amulet gives no def at all so classes with free base def of higher hp / def get more out of it. The veryation of skills and sustain is spread though out the classes with out any though of there hp but there ranged of witch they are doing there dmg. All of that has gone out the window with elite spec. changing the ranged of what a class is doing it dmg so that point of balancing is pointless when it comes to power / hp balancing now.

  • @otto.5684 said:
    If HP base is not a big factor, why then not have large HP pool for low HP pool classes. After all, it does not matter. Also, core guardian with Valkyrie, pre RI nerf, was no where close to dominating sPvP. What makes you think they with large/medium HP pool? They should be about where they are pre nerf, versus now where they are completely out of the meta.

    Kinda the same for thief and ele.

    I much rather Anet make big meaningful adjustments, to open diversity, rather than the underwhelming limited changes they have been doing now that have don’t anything but kill mirage and core guardian in a year plus now.

    IT IS a big factor when combined with damage output and sustain. instead of increased base hp just reduce damage out put and sustain... do you not understand how big a damage boost berserker amulet is?
    you want them to make big changes, like how they destroyed stability, broke condi, made entire classes either grossly op or unplayable? what world are you living in. every time anet tries to do something drastic they break 2/3 of the game cuz they seem to only balance for pve.

  • @Jski.6180 said:
    You do not understand what i am suggestion. I want low hp classes to have higher power then 1k. And the amount of denial by the player base and devs that its 'ok' to have power like this and hp vary from 11k to 19k because of classes a lone is beyond me. Berserker amulet gives no def at all so classes with free base def of higher hp / def get more out of it. The veryation of skills and sustain is spread though out the classes with out any though of there hp but there ranged of witch they are doing there dmg. All of that has gone out the window with elite spec. changing the ranged of what a class is doing it dmg so that point of balancing is pointless when it comes to power / hp balancing now.

    you want to increase the base power of low hp classes? ok lol you don't know what youre talking about. look I can get behind a 2k hp buff for low hp classes but nothing beyond that.

  • @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @otto.5684 said:
    If HP base is not a big factor, why then not have large HP pool for low HP pool classes. After all, it does not matter. Also, core guardian with Valkyrie, pre RI nerf, was no where close to dominating sPvP. What makes you think they with large/medium HP pool? They should be about where they are pre nerf, versus now where they are completely out of the meta.

    Kinda the same for thief and ele.

    I much rather Anet make big meaningful adjustments, to open diversity, rather than the underwhelming limited changes they have been doing now that have don’t anything but kill mirage and core guardian in a year plus now.

    IT IS a big factor when combined with damage output and sustain. instead of increased base hp just reduce damage out put and sustain... do you not understand how big a damage boost berserker amulet is?
    you want them to make big changes, like how they destroyed stability, broke condi, made entire classes either grossly op or unplayable? what world are you living in. every time anet tries to do something drastic they break 2/3 of the game cuz they seem to only balance for pve.

    Berserker is about 10-15% more damage (depending on your class critic chance). Again, I do not see how this will be an issue, if we have slightly bigger HP pools, classes will be better able to handle burst damage, but lose on receiving successive hits, since damage will be able to outpace sustainability.

    Also, this will not happen in vacuum. I understand there will be need for other adjustments. However, I do not see why sPvP should be only domain of large HP pool classes and medium HP pool with high sustain (plus FB). And there is important point, that people keep missing, the original purpose of HP pools no longer exists. There is no justification to have different HP pools now and it is suffocating balance.

  • edited June 15, 2019

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Jski.6180 said:
    You do not understand what i am suggestion. I want low hp classes to have higher power then 1k. And the amount of denial by the player base and devs that its 'ok' to have power like this and hp vary from 11k to 19k because of classes a lone is beyond me. Berserker amulet gives no def at all so classes with free base def of higher hp / def get more out of it. The veryation of skills and sustain is spread though out the classes with out any though of there hp but there ranged of witch they are doing there dmg. All of that has gone out the window with elite spec. changing the ranged of what a class is doing it dmg so that point of balancing is pointless when it comes to power / hp balancing now.

    you want to increase the base power of low hp classes? ok lol you don't know what youre talking about. look I can get behind a 2k hp buff for low hp classes but nothing beyond that.

    How dose that fix things though? The only way for that to work is to drop the Max hp classes hp by 2k as well. Even that is not a good way of doing things. Your saying its ok for hp to very from class to class but its not ok for power to vary from class to class. What makes hp ok to vary and what makes it wrong for power to vary?

    The only thing i can tell is fear of changes that holding most ppl back on this logic point.
    High hp
    Low hp

    In what world is this fair balancing?

  • @otto.5684 said:
    Berserker is about 10-15% more damage

    uhhh pretty sure its a lot more then that.

  • @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @otto.5684 said:
    Berserker is about 10-15% more damage

    uhhh pretty sure its a lot more then that.

    Right but how much more dmg dose it take to take down classes who simply have more hp? Its not like the low hp classes get more power.

    Berserker may up dmg on all classes but classes who have more hp can get better use of it AT the same thing classes who have more hp get better use out of the tankly gear. It lets some classes play better dmg over all and play bunker better.

  • edited June 16, 2019

    Balancing HP is not the only way to fix things, but at the current state of the game I would say that the unbalanced HP pools are a problem. In core it was a very nice concept, because low HP actually came with benefits that higher HP professions did not have. For example, elementalist used to be one of the classes with the most personal boons while having the highest damage potential. Over the years these benefits were either nerfed or given to everyone. There are so many professions with boon spam that eles could never dream of having back in the core game. Ele also got more boons over time, but other professions got more of them. Especially quickness, which ele basically has no access to while having the most telegraphed skills in the game. I don't have to say much about damage, because we all know that the devs balance around PvE golems instead of balancing that in a sensible way.

    To me it is obvious that they either need to modify base HP pools or they need some major work on making a low HP pool have its benefits again. You can say all you want that the potential sustain of ele is a reason why they shouldn't do this, but I disagree because of two reasons. First of all, the way ele sustain works is an issue that they have needed to tackle for many years regardless of ele's base HP. Secondly, this would only make sword weaver unreasonably hard to kill. I feel like I need to remind everyone that all of those amazing defenses that people see on ele are a result of sword weaver. Every other weapon is completely lackluster in this and unplayable in comparison to sword as a result. If you try to play any other weapon you find yourself having almost no defenses. It is very lopsided. But at the same time, sword weaver is also the only ele build that effectively has medium base HP already, because of the master's fortitude adept trait. Sword does not only have an advantage in terms of defensive skills, but also in terms of HP pool compared to every other ele weapon. If even sword requires a medium HP pool in the current state of the game, you can be sure that ele needs a medium HP pool in general. Unless of course the devs start adding some real advantages to this profession for once. If they modified ele base HP they could always remove master's fortitude btw.

    It's not like the other professions with a low HP pool have a stellar performance anyway. Thief looks like it has been falling off because their essential defensive mechanics have been getting the nerf bat because they are annoying. They are basically forced to be that annoying if you expect paper HP to be viable. Guardians are meta, but as a support role. Tempest was meta as a support role in HoT and it also had a low HP pool. Support was the only thing that ele could do after the power creep, because there were no other support specs with PvP design at all. This is similar with current firebrand. Guradian is only good because it fills a support niche that nobody else can do. As soon as we get a real support spec for a higher HP class what do you think will happen? Yes, burst core guard was good a while back, but that was because of one overtuned trait that gave over 1000 stats for free. You needed 1000 free stat points to compete! If that doesn't prove that there is a stat deficiency that is not compensated for by profession mechanics idk what proves it.

  • @Psycoprophet.8107 said:
    Seems like in this game higher hp/sustain classes are allowed to have everything on top but low hp classes get mobility and that's it lmao and if u argue the lower hp classes should be better at anything else,even one thing over the higher hp/sustain classes the non low hp classes ralley to to say nerf the low hp class cuz they have mobility. It's a joke just like it's a joke how the devs have balanced this game.

    Problem is that mobility is now an all class thingy

  • edited June 16, 2019

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @otto.5684 said:
    Berserker is about 10-15% more damage

    uhhh pretty sure its a lot more then that.

    Lets do the math. It is copied from excel so it looks a a bit funny.

    Mara Critic 2,225.00 187.30% 55.00% 2,292.08
    No critic 2,225.00 0.00% 45.00% 1,001.25

    Beresrk Critic 2,375.00 209.00% 47.85% 2,375.15
    No critic 2,375.00 0.00% 52.15% 1,238.56

    Percentage difference 9.73%

    Mara Critic 2,225.00 187.30% 75.00% 3,125.57
    No critic 2,225.00 0.00% 25.00% 556.25

    Beresrk Critic 2,375.00 209.00% 67.85% 3,367.90
    No critic 2,375.00 0.00% 32.15% 763.56

    Percentage difference 12.21%

    Mara Critic 2,225.00 187.30% 85.00% 3,542.31
    No critic 2,225.00 0.00% 15.00% 333.75

    Beresrk Critic 2,375.00 209.00% 77.85% 3,864.28
    No critic 2,375.00 0.00% 22.15% 526.06

    Percentage difference 13.27%

    Mara Critic 2,225.00 187.30% 90.00% 3,750.68
    No critic 2,225.00 0.00% 10.00% 222.50

    Beresrk Critic 2,375.00 209.00% 87.85% 4,360.65
    No critic 2,375.00 0.00% 12.15% 288.56

    Percentage difference 17.01%

    Mara Critic 2,225.00 187.30% 100.00% 4,167.43
    No critic 2,225.00 0.00% 0.00% -

    Beresrk Critic 2,375.00 209.00% 100.00% 4,963.75
    No critic 2,375.00 0.00% 0.00% -

    Percentage difference 19.11%

    The actual range is from 9.73% - 19.11%.

    Base + fury is 12.21%. Even if you add 10% additional critic chance, you are still at 13.27%. I would argue that the 13.27% (30% additional critic chance over base) is closest to median stats difference between mara and berserker.

    The base HP I suggested initially 18, 20 and 22, I would modify that to 18, 20.5 and 23 as follows:

    Small 11,655 18,000 6,345 54.44%
    Medium 15,922 20,500 4,578 28.75%
    Large 19,212 23,000 3,788 19.72%

    Even assuming 100% critic chance, heavy HP pool classes, with 23,000 HP, will receive around the same damage from an enemy in berserker, compared to the current HP pool receiving damage from an enemy with marauder. Medium and small pool will definitively be better off. This is consistent with the intention to reduce the impact of burst damage, while making you lose more damage from receiving successive hits. In addition, all classes now can choose between various amulets versus all power builds, except SB and necro, being locked into mara. Condi builds should be able to play sinister or viper more freely as well.

    I foresee two problems though, FB and necro. FB will probably be the biggest winner with an 18K HP pool. We need to nerf FB heal scaling regardless. Should not be huge issue with the right nerf. Necro though will lose in this setup, since the HP pool was its only sustain advantage over most classes. But should not necro have more reliable defenses instead of higher HP, that under focus fire, will not help you much anyway?

  • huh. that's some enlightening maths, I always assumed it was a lot more. i'm still against the hp increases tho, but could agree on something lower like 16-18-20k.

    Te lazla otstara.

  • @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    huh. that's some enlightening maths, I always assumed it was a lot more. i'm still against the hp increases tho, but could agree on something lower like 16-18-20k.

    I would settle for that. Low HP pool classes are getting significantly hosed as it currently stands.

  • @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    huh. that's some enlightening maths, I always assumed it was a lot more. i'm still against the hp increases tho, but could agree on something lower like 16-18-20k.

    Or you now just buff the low hp classes power. A imbalance is still an imbalance even if you make it less. Even a 4k hp differences is still a 400 free vit for a class that other classes do not have.

    See ELE forms and you will get my views.

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