Which Adc Does Magic Dmg

well maybe i feel that way is because, i feel DFG is a problem the amplify damage just enables huge numbers and dmg will scale as items more items come available to where i get instant gib and not able to play league of legends, when i can just go 100-0 in like 1-2 seconds and not being able to ramp up my life steal which is not very fun. which is why i feel there needs to be similar survivability items against magic dps as their is for AD dmg.
defence against AD:
frozen heart - armor + slowing attack speed which slows down dps.
thornmail - ( cheating item lol ) well just returns dmg and gives armor
randuins omen - more armor and health + reduce attacks, attack speed, movement speed.
then we got the other flat armor items across the board, along with universal armor / magic resist GA and BV
ninja tabi - 10% basic attack reduction
defence against AP:
spirit visage - just flat MR across the board does increase life steal but does nothing similar to lower the next incoming AP attack.
bahsee's veil - very strong stops 1 strong ability prob one of the strongest items against ap or AD just strong against both sides.
guardian angel - good effect just flat mr / armor across the board.
trends - good boots tenacity very useful and just MR across the board.
as you can see there is no way to stop the next incoming AP dmg like its available against AD, or to shut down AP momentum overall like you can with AD just by items!
your right the reflective ability was probably way out their! personally i prefer a BKB effect from or 90% dmg reduction that decreases over time like 2.5-3 seconds. don't think its too much to ask its not invulnerability like zonya! with an insane AP bonus, armor little survivability helps along with a crazy effect!
one other thing i like to add i feel the AP items are more versatile than their is for AD especially ADC! AP has the option to increase health along with AP dmg like rylai staff, rod of aegis, lindry's for example. AD especially ADC does not have that versatility option.
so AP has the option to go max damage output or moderate damage output with good survivability, however with DFG in the picture to amplify damage its not that much of a loss. as far as ADC'ish builds is pretty staple not much versatility =/ so i feel AD does not have that many tools compared to AP in terms of item synergy as well as general synergy to AP heros than to AD heros.

  1. Which Adc Does Magic Dmg Stand
MagicWhich adc does magic dmg downloadWhich Adc Does Magic Dmg

Soo I just have been looking through the new masteries and I noticed something that caught my eye before when i saw the new masteries.
All the ADC will get magic and armor pen now with the new masteries, also we get the weaving spells which would increase dmg ouput slightly. Now the first thing coming too mind is the ad caster type in bot say like Lucian his W is magic dmg which will be improved with the magic pen giving him more dmg output this isn't the worst part because there are a lot of adc with an ability that does magic dmg except for Vayne and Draven(only ones coming too mind). So most ADC will have their magic dmg spells buffed slightly. But still keeping the case of Lucian say you play him correctly meaning you cast your spell and then auto for the passive proc and so on of course. Here comes the weaving talents too mind he would ramp these up rather quickly makes his dmg output again a little higher. Now come too mind the more auto attack oriented adc like for example Caitlyn she would hardly benefit from these talents because she does not cast that many spells in her rotation she auto's more. But there is not much in return for her too compensate this difference coming too mind that in this case Lucian would win almost every dual if both champs had similair items because his dmg got buffed more by the masteries.
Now I have yet too test this out in matches but are there people who can see any kind of difference with the talents as they are now?
Or am I missing something?

Which Adc Does Magic Dmg Stand

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