Wc3 How To Make A Unit Do 1 Dmg

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  • Piercing attacks do extra damage to Unarmored units and Light armor, and reduced damage to Fortified, Medium armor, and Heroes. Siege (artillery) Siege attacks do extra damage to Fortified armor and Unarmored units, and reduced damage to Medium armor and Heroes.
  • Welcome to Wowhead's Healing Priest Classic Macro Guide, updated for. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Priest, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike.

Attack Types

Step #1: Go to the object editor and to the units tab. Create a new unit based of of the Headhunter and name it 'Dummy'. Step #2: Set attacks enabled: Attack 1 only (unless already set to that), delete all abilities, set food used 0, upgrades used: none, and cooldown to 5.00 seconds.

Normal (most melee units)
Normal attacks do extra damage against Medium armor, and reduced damage to Fortified armor.
Piercing (most ranged attackers)
Piercing attacks do extra damage to Unarmored units and Light armor, and reduced damage to Fortified, Medium armor, and Heroes.
Siege (artillery)
Siege attacks do extra damage to Fortified armor and Unarmored units, and reduced damage to Medium armor and Heroes.
Chaos (A few Creeps, Powerful Summoned Units)
Chaos attacks do full damage to all armor types.
Magic Damage (most spellcasters, air units)
Magic attacks do extra damage against Light and Heavy armor, and reduced damage to Medium, Fortified armor, and Heroes. Magic attacks do 66% extra damage to ethereal units, and zero damage to magic-immune units.

Hero attacks do reduced damage to Fortified armor.

Weapon Types

Armor Types

Unarmored (most spellcasters)
Unarmored takes extra damage from Piercing, and Siege attacks. Some unarmored units such as Huntress, Gargoyle, Hippogryph, and Druid of the Talon in Storm Crow form have armor for balance reasons. Most unarmored units do not have armor.

Light (most flying units)
Light armor takes extra damage from Piercing and Magic attacks.

Medium (most ranged attackers and workers)
Medium armor takes extra damage from Normal attacks, reduces damage from Piercing, Magic, and Siege attacks.

Heavy (most low and high tech melee units)
Heavy armor takes extra damage from Magic attacks.

Heroes take reduced damage from Piercing, Magic, Spell, and Siege attacks.

Fortified (buildings)
Fortified armor greatly reduces Piercing, Magic, Hero, and Normal attacks, but takes extra damage from Siege attacks.

Ethereal units can only be damaged by units that have the attack type 'Magic' such as spellcasters. Magic-immune units can only be damaged by units that have physical attack types.

Damage and Armor Class System
Every unit in the game has an armor type and attack type (like StarCraft).

Each attack type is better or worse versus other armor types. For example, a Grunt has a Normal attack, which does 150% damage versus 'Medium' armor units like the Archer, Rifleman, Troll Headhunter, and Crypt Fiend. The Archer has a Pierce attack, which does 100% extra damage versus 'Light' armor units like the Gryphon Rider.

This system is in place to encourage unit counters and unit mixing in combat. If the opposing player builds ranged attackers, then the natural counter would be to build melee units, which have an attack bonus versus them. However, since ranged attackers have a high damage, you would benefit by building a mixed group of melee and ranged attackers since your ranged attackers will out-damage the opposing melee units if they are protected from direct melee damage themselves.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: Attack Type vs. Armor Type Chart


Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos v1.06: Attack Type vs. Armor Type Chart


Damage Reduction or Increases for Armor
For positive Armor, damage reduction =((armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))
For negative Armor, it is damage increase = 2-0.94^(-armor) since you take more damage for negative armor scores.

Consult this chart* for more information. A Positive Armor of 1 reduces damage by about 5.7%. A negative armor of 10 increases damage by 46.1%. A unit with 20 armor basically has 55% extra hitpoints -- 100 would become effectively 155.

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Get Adobe Reader™

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Overview | Heroes and Units | Unit Stats | Tech-tree | Voodoo Lounge | Building Stats | Basics | Advanced | Combos | Defeating Orcs

Heroes: Blademaster | Far Seer | Tauren Chieftain | Shadow Hunter
Units : Peon | Grunt | Troll Headhunter | Troll Berserker | Demolisher | Shaman
Witch Doctor | Spirit Walker | Raider | Kodo Beast | Wind Rider | Troll Batrider
Tauren | Spirit Wolf | Dire Wolf | Shadow Wolf | Serpent Ward
Unit Index | Orc Index

Mystical Tauren caster with Ethereal Form, which allows him to avoid physical damage. Believed to be the ill omen of a coming age, white Tauren are held in near reverence by their people, often becoming reclusive priests who wander the land in search of kindred spirits. Attacks land and air units.
Cost: 195 35 3
Unit Type:Normal
Attack Type:Magic
Weapon Type:Missile
Armor Type:Unarmored
Ground Attack:19.5 avg

*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
Air Attack:19.5 avg
Hit Points:500 (620*)
Health Regeneration:Always
Mana Regeneration:1
Day Sight:140
Night Sight:80
Speed:Average (270)
Build Time:38
Trained At:Spirit Lodge
Transport Space
Production Hot Key:T

Wc3 How To Make A Unit Do 1 Dmg File

Another powerful spellcaster in the Orc horde.

Spirit Link
Links 4 units together in a chain. All units with Spirit Link on them will live longer, by distributing 50% of the damage they take across other Spirit Linked units.
Research CostResearched AtRequirements
None Always AvailableNone
DurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffect
75 sec.None7570UnitAir, Ground, Friend, Self50% of damage distributed
Spirit Link Information
Use this to even out the damage among troops.

Damage sustained over Spirit link is never fatal. Fatal damage sustained via Spirit Link reduces a unit to 1 hit point, and dispels Spirit Link.

Spirit Link Counters
Kill the Spirit Walkers.

Use dispel spells.

Removes all buffs from units in a target area. Deals 250 damage to hostile summoned units.
Research CostResearched AtRequirements
100 50 Spirit LodgeSpirit Walker Adept Training
DurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffect
InstantNone1006525Air, Ground, Ward250 damage to Summoned Units
Disenchant Information
This ability removes both positive and negative buffs from units.
Wc3 How To Make A Unit Do 1 Dmg
Ancestral Spirit
Raises a fallen non-Hero Tauren from the dead. The Tauren is revived with 100% of its hit points restored.
Research CostResearched AtRequirements
100 150 Spirit LodgeSpirit Walker Master Training
DurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffect
Instant30 sec.25035UnitDead Friendly TaurenRevives Dead Tauren
Ancestral Spirit Information
This is an incredibly powerful ability which allows you to return dead Tauren to life! If you use Tauren, this is a must have ability.

Wc3 How To Make A Unit Do 1 Dmg For Mac

Ancestral Spirit Counters
Kill the Spirit Walker or remove their mana.

Remove the corpses using a corpse destroying ability.

Ethereal Form
Turns the Spirit Walker ethereal, making him immune to physical damage, but unable to attack. Ethereal units can only be harmed by Magic attacks and spells.
Research CostResearched AtRequirements
None Always AvailableNone
DurationCooldownMana CostRangeArea of EffectAllowed TargetsEffect
Unlimited30 sec.NoneN/APersonalSelfTurn Ethereal
Ethereal Form Information
Use this ability if you want to make it more difficult for the enemy to kill the Spirit Walker. The enemy can't hurt them unless they have units with magic attacks or with magic spells. Sometimes the enemy doesn't have these types of attacks so your Spirit Walkers will be invincible. The Spirit Walker can't attack while in this form.

Spirit Walkers start in Ethereal form. When Spirit Walkers leave Ethereal Mode, they cannot become Ethereal again for 30 seconds.

Spirit Walkers in Ethereal Form take 66% bonus damage from magic and spell damage.

Ethereal Form Counters
Use units with magic attacks or use a spell to kill the Spirit Walker.

Resistant Skin (Passive)
Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the unit immune to certain spells.
Spirit Walker Adept Training
Increases Spirit Walker's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Disenchant.
Research CostResearched AtRequirementsUpgrade Time
100 50 Spirit LodgeNone60 sec.

Wc3 How To Make A Unit Do 1 Dmg Work

Spirit Walker Master Training
Further increases Spirit Walker's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Ancestral Spirit.
Research CostResearched AtRequirementsUpgrade Time
100 150 Spirit LodgeSpirit Walker Adept Training, Fortress75 sec.

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