Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds By Dmg

Oct 27, 2017  Divinity Original Sin 2 Build Guide for the Assassin. Assassins are a Ranger / Rogue hybrid Build that uses Daggers and Bows to deal Physical Damage.

Oct 22, 2017

Knights Build Guide for Fane or Beast or any Humans and Dwarves. This build is meant for 4-man Party.
Team comp: best goes with another front-liner so you don't take all the heats early on. I personally took another 2-hander so you have 2 psychopaths running around and aid each others in combat. The third could be a Ranger or Rogue. The last should be a dedicated support to babysit the knights the early on.
  • Those two mage builds builds are going to step on each others toes a lot, I would definitely recommend choosing from Aero/Hydo/Geo or Pyro/Geo/Aero when running more than one mage. Necro mage is the build I have had the most fun on. That one Grasp combo is obviously very strong, but the rest of its skills are a blast.
  • Oct 03, 2017  From the fiery devastation of Dragon's Blaze to the rogue-buffing Assassinate, here are some of the best skills you can get in Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds By Dmg 3

As for why no mages: if you decide to run a similar party comp like me, you don't need mages because they would just end up friendly-fire the knights. If you put more focus for the mages, then knights can't reach thier full potential as thier playstyles are similar to mages: gather enemy close & spin those aoe.. so yeah, no mages if you brought 2 knights, a mystical supporter is ok.

Stats Distribution

  • Atleast 2 points in CON early on then focus only in STR until it hit hard cap (base 40) then put rest of the points into Wits.
  • At late game you can remove 2 points in CON and put it elsewhere as at that point, there are lot of +CON gears and then there is Picture of Health talent so you don't really 2 points in CON anymore.
  • Feel free to raise some memory to get more spell slots, not that knights use that many skills. I didn't take any, look at the section belows to see what setup i used. But still, that let me stop you, do what you feel comfortable, it's your game. Like i said, feel free to do so because this doesn't play any significant part in this build so it doesn't really matter.
  • Fane take Wits and Con Lessons in Academy: +5 Wits / + - 5 CON (= 0 CON) / -5 INT
  • Beast take Str Lesson in Academy: +5 STR / -5 Wits

Combat Skills:
  • Raise just enough Warfare to use skills early game then focus all into Two-Handed.
  • Atleast 1 Scoundrel for The Pawn and Adrenaline. 2 Necromancy for Fane and 2 Geomancer for Beast. 2 Polymorph for Heart of Steel and Tentacle Lash.
  • 2 Aero for Teleportation. Grab 1 Pyro at level 16+ for Peace of Mind. Rest of the points go into Warfare after.

  • Thievery then Sneak.

  • The Pawn
  • Bigger and Better
  • All Skilled Up
  • Hot Head
  • Picture of Health
  • Any

Gears / Runes / Frames / Aeterfact

  • Look out for chest / head / amulet with +STR +Warfare, Gloves and Belts have potential to have Two-Handed rolls on them so keep an eye out. There are actually a decent amount of uniques for Knights throughout the game but only 3 of them actually last it to late game. Amulet (+5 STR) sold by NPC called 'Cat' in Lord Kemm Mansion in Arx , Kvyn's Hands (+7 STR) in the Doctor's Basement, Vrogir Boots (+3 STR) on Nameless Isle.
  • Rings with +Warfare or +Scoundrel is cool, if any of them have skills that related to the sub-trees i used in this build (+Necromancy/+Geomancer/+Aero) then you can respec the base points away and spend them elsewhere as you need no higher than the requirement points to use those skills.
  • For weapons, look out for +10/20% Critchance or +3 STR / +1 Two Hand. If you're lucky you might get both in one weapon. And preferably ones with rune slot.

  • Amulet: Flame Rune (+6/9/12% critchance)
  • Armour/Shield: Masterwork (+20/30/40% phys armour)
  • Weapon: Masterwork Rune (+9/11/13/15% physical damage)

  • Amulet: Mystical Flame (+1 Pyrokinetic)
  • Armour/Shield: Power Masterwork (+2/3 STR)
  • Weapon: Power Masterwork (+2/3 STR)

Eternal Aeterfacts:
It can't be REMOVED once plugged and they are also LIMITED, so only use when you know for sure that piece of gear is going to be with you for a looong time.
  • Gloves: +2 CON , +10% Earth Resistance
  • Belt: +2 STR , +1 Warfare

Abilities Setups

Recipe for Poison Potions:
  • Empty Potion + Ooze Barrel = Small Poison Potions
  • 2 same tier of potions combined = 1 greater tier potions.

Empty potions and Ooze Barrels are plenty in Fort Joy, this will help your undead Fane alot in early game.
Early Game (1~9)
  • Battering Ram Rush foward to your target, can use as a gap closer as well as to set knockdown on your enemies.
  • Battle Stomp: pretty decent aoe radius in a straight line, dealing 90% dmg and set knockdowns on enemies, also clear surfaces.
  • Enrage: Use it to deal 100% crit chance early on.
  • Adrenaline: More AP, besides you're going to need The Pawn too.
  • Heart of Steel: grants decent amount of armour, also regen armour per turn for 3 rounds.
  • Shackle of Chain(Fane) Reflect 100% dmg to the chained target, enemy will end up hurting itself by attacking Fane. Sometimes they will even ignore Fane with Chain on to save thier allies, it's a win-win. As either ways, Fane lives and it will die eventually.
  • Fortify (Beast): grants decent amount of armour, can cast on self or allies.
  • Tentacle Lash: more CC, use to shutdown weapon users like archers or melees for one turn.
  • Fossil Strike / Impalement (Beast): aoe slow, pick the better one Impalement later once it's available at level 4 because it has bigger radius.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Build Calculator

Your support character will aid knights in other needs: heals / shields / buffs like Haste for an example, very useful for the Knights.
Mid Game (10~16)
  • Phoenix Dive long range jump, can be use as gap closer if the moevement cost is too much even with The Pawn and Haste.
  • Crippling Blow:You can either use it as single target attack or mutiple targets attack. Targets need to be close to each other for this skill to hit them all.
  • Teleportation: use this to gather enemies close together so you combo Crippling Blow for damage or Battle Stomp on them for knockdowns next.
  • Uncanny Evasion: Your dodging is increased by 90% and your Movement Speed is increased by 20%. Pretty much unkillable for 1 turn given that you already killed the mages (spells don't care about dodge)
  • Bone Cage (Fane): Boost Physical Armour based on how many dead bodies near you. Can grants massive amount of Armour if used after you pull off a few kills with only 1 AP cost.
  • Earthquake (Beast): massive aoe slow and knockdowns. Sometimes you might not able to finish everyone, only manage to get thier armours broke but they are everywhere. Earthquake will help you knocking everyone down in a massive aoe radius.

Late Game (17~23)
  • Peace of Mind: at this point you should have enough gears, rune and frames that boost critical chances as well decent points in Wits. You can replace Enrage with Peace of Mind instead.
  • Whirlwind: big aoe attack.
  • Blitz: yet another gap closer, jump to enemies dealing damage to them, can hit up to 2 targets.
  • Thick of the Battle: Gain a damage boost for every nearby character.

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  • All Divinity Original Sin 2 Guides!

Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds are key to a succesful adventure, and thankfully the game’s character system is one of the most versatile out there. It allows for a huge amount of creativity: rather than being locked into class roles, you allocate skills however you want, creating your own builds and classes.

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If that wasn’t enough, the Lady Vengeance – your character’s nautical base of operations – houses an infinitely usable magical mirror that lets you reallocate your party’s skill points. We have been doing just that, playing around with the Magic Respec Mirror in the lower deck for what must be hours. As a result, we offer you some interesting Divinity Original Sin 2 build ideas for your next playthrough of this brilliant RPG.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds By Dmg 2

The Weather Machine

  • Attribute priority – Intelligence, Memory, Constitution, Wits
  • Main skill categories – Hydrosophist and Aerotheurge
  • Key skills – Rain, Hail Strike/Global Cooling, Electrical Discharge, Pressure Spike,

Learning how to use status effects is a direct path to success in Divinity 2. The Weather Machine build is specifically designed to keep your opponents struggling to mobilise with lingering ailments, most prominently Frozen and Stunned.

Use Rain to get your enemies moist, then use Global Cooling or Electrical Discharge to either freeze them solid or zap them into submission. Pressure Spike provides cheap and useful AoE damage and a way to keep fires under control. Picking up some healing and shielding skills, like Restoration and Armour of Frost, will help keep your teammates safe from your status storms. Consider spending some points into Polymorph and Geomancy as well for some extra survivability.

Ranged teams with good magic armour and magic armour regeneration do well with this build in their lineup, as they can resist and avoid the harsh AoE status effects. Also consider taking a Pyromancer along to neutralise the deadly pools of electrified water and ice with a fireball once you are finished with them.

Late-game additions – Ice Breaker adds an extra step to your freezing combo, exploding icy surfaces to deal extra damage, and Closed Circuit creates electrified clouds in a circle around you, giving you more resources to play with.

The Armoured Masochist

  • Attribute priority – Constitution, Strength, Memory, Intelligence
  • Main skill categories – Warfare and Necromancer
  • Key skills – Shackles of Pain, Death Wish, Provoke, Guardian Angel

Why hurt your enemies when they can hurt themselves… by hurting you? It makes sense when you try it, believe us. Shackles of Pain is the X-factor here – it marks a target, causing it to take all the damage that you do. Charge in, mark the biggest, nastiest foes, then use Provoke to get its attention – every meaty strike it lands takes a chunk out of its own vitality.

Guardian Angel boosts this even more, as allies redirect their damage onto you, which gets redirected again onto your marked target. Death Wish makes use of your subsequent lost health with a massive damage boost.

For increased survivability, pick up Living on the Edge (you can’t be killed for two turns) and Blood Sucker (blood surfaces heal you – this can be made even better by picking up Raining Blood, which does what you would expect). Also consider throwing some points into Geomancer, Hydrosophist, or Polymorph for extra healing and armour regeneration.

The Armoured Masochist is best in a lineup of mostly ranged characters, so that it can command the attention of enemy melee units unopposed.

Late-game additions – Last Rites provides a last-ditch resurrection spell at the cost of a chunk of your vitality, and Overpower allows you to strip an opponent of their physical armour.

The One Mage Army

  • Attribute priority – Intelligence, Memory, Strength, Wits
  • Main skill categories – Summoning, and a bit of Necro, Geo, Hydro, Pyro, and Aero
  • Key skills – Conjure Incarnate, Elemental Totem, Dominate Mind, Rallying Cry

This Divinity Original Sin 2 build gets by with a little help from its friends. One character suddenly becomes five, as Conjure Incarnate, Elemental Totem, and Raise Bloated Corpse create a small army of handy minions. Add in Dominate Mind to turn one of your enemies into an ally for a while and you have quite the devastating force.

Conjure Incarnate and Elemental Totem get an extra skill and elemental damage if you summon them in a corresponding surface, so picking up at least one skill from each elemental magic school gives you a great deal of versatility. Rallying Cry and Cannibalise allow the mage to heal themselves using their nearby minions, so a close-range melee build works well here.

With a finger in every magic school, it is well worth picking up useful low-level skills. Favourable Wind (Aero) and Haste (Pyro) help close the distance and increase your AP pool. Restoration and Armour of Frost (Hydro) increase survivability, as does Fortify (Geo).

This build is effective in pretty much any party composition – in fact, a full team of summoners can command an absurd number of loyal magical foot soldiers.

Late-game additions – Door to Eternity prevents your creations from dying for a full two turns, and Totems of the Necromancer spawns a new minion with physical ranged attacks next to every enemy (living or dead).

The Master Trapper

  • Attribute priority – Finesse, Constitution, Memory, Wits
  • Main skill categories – Huntsman and Geomancer
  • Key skills – Pin Down, Reactive Shot, Impalement, Worm Tremor

This Divinity build specialises in controlling a specific area, shutting down movement and dealing damage to all foes within it. Impalement and Worm Tremor keep your foes confined to a specific area of the map by either Crippling or Entangling them, and Reactive Shot lets you take automatic shots at any enemies rude enough to leave that area. Pin Down is a high-damage, single-target movement shutdown that’s handy when a melee enemy is causing problems.

For close-range survivability, Earthquake is the ultimate last ditch escape tool. It knocks down surrounding enemies and creates pools of slowing oil. Tactical Retreat is a quick and easy escape teleport, and applies haste to boot, increasing your AP on the next turn.

This build works well in almost any team comp, but you will need to be careful when applying your area control – the pools of oil they leave behind do slow your party down.

Late-game additions – Arrow Storm provides an AoE damage follow-up to your area control, and Living Wall can shut off enemy paths, forcing them to walk through your dangerous AoE effects.

The Neutraliser

  • Attribute priority – Finesse, Wits, Constitution, Memory
  • Main skill categories – Scoundrel and Polymorph
  • Key skills – Tentacle Lash, Chicken Claw, Gag Order, Sleeping Arms

Divinity Original Sin 2 Assassin Build

This build is all about shutting down your enemies’ offence. Tentacle Lash and Sleeping Arms apply Atrophy, which prevents foes from using their weapons. Gag Order destroys Magic Armour and applies Silence, preventing mages from casting spells. Chicken Claw turns your adversary into a chicken, which is as funny as it is useful.

Manoeuvrability and stealth are vital for this build, so make sure to take Chameleon Skin (gives invisibility), Spider Legs/Spread Your Wings, and Cloak and Dagger.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Best Damage Build

Late-game additions – Mortal Blow provides good old-fashioned massive damage, Flay Skin destroys Magic Armour and slashes resistances, and Apotheosis massively reduces the cost of Source magic. A powerful Divinity Original Sin 2 build, we are sure you will agree.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds By Dmg 4

Those are our picks of the best Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds. Got any other ideas? Let us know what Divinity classes and builds you’ve used in the comments.

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