Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader

Build Guide

  1. Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader 3
  2. Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader Game
  3. Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader 1

Most important is the priority: Block%, Vitality, Thorns, Strength, Resistance, Life on hit. My block is sat at around 86%, + hardened senses from Punish and your at 100% block chance, this will naturally reduce the damage you take helping you dish out more Thorns per hit. Oct 20, 2019  7% ias is more attacks per second which translates to more Leniency stacks and better recovery through life per hit. Rerolling weapon damage is about a 12% damage buff, 7% ias in the right rift is much more damage. Damage to Elites (DtE or 'Damage Against Elites') is a bonus affix that increases all damage a character deals to an Elite, including damage from pets, DoT effects, etc. This damage boost is calculated at the end of the damage equation, and will multiply the total damage, resulting in larger visible damage numbers against Elite targets.

With Patch 2.6.6, the Captain Crimson's and Aughild's crafted sets were updated, and their new bonuses perfectly complement the Akkhan's set. Given that Condemn is still a very powerful option for the Akkhan's set, it's fairly easy to see this combination that's very effective without much gearing required.

I found this setup to work very well at T16 for both Bounties and Rifts, without any ancient gear. You can also use it to farm lower GR's. I found success at still clearing in effective time up to GR85 without any ancients. It's certainly not the best GR farming build, but very versatile at doing practically everything in the game short of GR pushing.

If you're new to Akkhan's builds, make sure to get max CDR on every item possible, other than your Amulet, Rings, and Shield. You need to roll CDR on one of those 3 though, and I would personally recommend putting it on either a Ring or your Shield.

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Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader 3

Simplified playstyle guide:

Spam Condemn to deal big damage!


Press Akarat's Champion, Iron Skin and Laws of Hope on cooldown.

Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader Game

Use Steed Charge to move faster (not exactly on cooldown, but generally on cooldown if you're not fighting something)

Diablo Roll Of Dmg Or Life Per Hit Crusader 1

Use Slash to generate Wrath and proc Focus and Restraint (if you're using F+R, otherwise I'd use Provoke instead of Slash)

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