Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poe

Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poe
  • Jan 31, 2014  The dream low-life crown of eyes wander amulet (on standard). Level 1 deleted 2 points 5 years ago. I haven't been playing PoE for a while, is there any spell/attack that makes use of spell damage, flat phys, ele dmg and crit? Metamorph is still one of the best league you guys have released despite its share.
  • The Scion is aligned with all three attributes, and is therefore the most flexible class in terms of character design and skill use. The Scion has one Ascendancy Class: the Ascendant.
R4PG Game StoreDate: Dec/03/18 01:52:06Views: 1803

Kaom’s Primacy is ideal at level 50+, but you can begin to look at other weapons towards end game grinding.-Skill Build: obtain Warrior’s Blood and work your way to get Master of the Arena to the right, and get Art of the Gladiator, Berserking and Sentinel. Rings and Amulet should be the same as your armor. For more useful poe news, you.

Molten Strike is the core skill in this build. Molten Strike is an attack skill consisting of two parts: an initial melee attack hit and a projectile attack.

This build is made to perfectly curve out pretty much from the first level to the absolute endgame. It may bring you good feeling when you use your character. This build has almost no limitations. For example, it can kill 'The Shaper' on a 3L setup and with a white level 0 claw.

Quick Jump

Best amulet for ele dmg weapons poe walkthrough

Pros & Cons


  • + 33.1 MILLION BULLSHIT DPS and 12 Million actual-dps (in my actual gear)
  • + high map-clearing-speed
  • + strong defenses that make the build hardcore-viable
  • + cheap and smooth to start into a new League
  • + insane scaling with high-end-gear
  • + no League-specific or Legacy-Items needed
  • + Fast Uber-Lab farmer


  • - interactions require careful(!) reading of the guide
  • - killing the hardest content requires about 5ex investment
  • - ele-reflect maps need to be rerolled (when not using anti reflect gear/Pantheons)

Skill Tree

Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poe 5


Istruments of Virtue > Righteous Providence > Inevitable Judgement > Augury of Penitence



Kill All = 2 Passive Points


  • Soul of Lunaris: Works great for mapping and provides some 'real' phys-mitigation that Evasion builds didnt have before.
  • Soul of Garukhan or Soul of Yugol: Both serve their purposes. On HC I would definately go with Yugol

Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poe 2

Passive Tree

Gems Setup

Molten Strike

There are two possible Molten Strike Setups. One with 4Red and 2Blue Sockets and one with 3Red and 3Blue Sockets in a 6L Setup. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

4R2B Setup

This is the most conventient setup for general mapping. However it requires some player Skill to on some Bosses cause you need to master the Ancestral Call Trick. I made this little picture to clarify how you optimally utilize Ancestral Call for Single target DPS. In theory and with perfect exection this setup is as strong as the 3R3B Setup, but requires less swapping of gems and more conventient mapping with better aoe.

[20/20] Molten Strike + [20/20] Multistrike Support + [20/20] Ancestral Call Support + [20/20] Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + [21/20] Added Lightning Damage Support


[20/20] Concentrated Effect Support/Increased Area of Effect Support

For Single Target you swap Increased Area of Effect for Concentrated Effect

3B3R Setup

This setup offers the most care-free single target kill potential, no special placement is needed. However it requires some more swapping of gems. You need to swap two gems instead of one.

[20/20] Molten Strike + [20/20] Multistrike Support + [21/20] Added Lightning Damage Support + [20/20] Elemental Damage with Attacks Support/Ancestral Call Support + [20/20] Elemental Focus Support/Increased Area of Effect Support
[20/20] Concentrated Effect Support

Single target you swap Ancestral Call with Elemental Damage with Attacks and Increased Area of Effect for Elemental Focus.

Heralds or Wrath

[21/20] Herald of Ice + [21/20] Herald of Thunder
Especially Herald of Ice is a great tool for buffing your clearspeed. Herald of Thunder is just here for the additional Flat Lightning Damage.

Tipp: You can add a [21/20]Innervate to your Herald of Ice Setup for addtional clearing power. However you will need a [3/0] Enlighten linked to as many mana-reserving auras as possible to have enough mana to properly attack with Molten Strike.

[21/20] Wrath

Using Wrath instead of double Heralds provides more raw damage but lacks the addititonal clearspeed. This howevery enables you to use the 'Watchers Eye' jewels with conversion of physical damage for using phys claw instead of elemental ones.


[20/20] Enfeeble + [20/20] Blasphemy Support

Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poe Walkthrough

We run Enfeeble on Blasphemy. This setup is one of the CORE defensive pillars of this build. Enfeeble greatly lesses the incoming damage as well as debuffing the enemys ability to even hit us. This is quite strong for any Evasion build.


[20/20] Blood Rage + [20/20] Ancestral Protector

Blood Rage Boosts your damage and stacks frenzy charges while clearing. Ancestral Protector is Amazing for its 20% More Attack speed and deals some reasonable single target damage on his own.

CWDT Setup

[20/0] Cast when damage taken Support + [20/0] Immortal Call + [20/20] Summing Lightning Golem

Lazy mans golem setup with the 'good old' cwdt-immortal call. Immortal Call is rather strong even without endurance charges. The Base duration is enough to leech us from 1Hp to Full life. You can downscale the setup to your liking. I prefer level 20 CWDT for the high Golem Life.


[20/0] Shield Charge + [20/20] Faster Attacks Support + [20/0] Fortify Support Support + [20/0] Blood Magic Support

Shield charge in itself deals alot of damage in this build and is linked to blood magic so it can be spammned in no-regen maps. Fority procs alot with AoE builds since 'you always hit something'.

Orb of Storms Setup

[1/0] Orb of Storms + [20/20] Power Charge on Critical Support

This is 'Core' to the build since it provides us with power charges and procs our 'Instruments of Virtue Ascendency' to greatly boost our damage.


In General you should aim to always get your life values as high as possible on any piece of gear. With my gear I was able to achieve 5,7k HP. Survivability is the most important factor of your enjoyment. Your resistances should be at 109%, so you can safely run Maps with the 'Elemental Weakness' mod.


If you buy a rare claw, NEVER EVER buy a base without '+XX Life Gained for each enemy hit by attacks' with a value above +30 Life gained. This is the majority of our leech and HIGHLY IMPORTANT!

Budget Combo for Starters: Ornament of the East, Lacquered Buckler

Ele Claws: Imperial Claw

Phys Claws: Watcher's Eye


  • Helmets: Starkonja's Head, Starkonja's Head
  • Shield: Lycosidae
  • Chest: Belly of the Beast, Lightning Coil (advanced users)
  • Gloves: Maligaro's Virtuosity, Gripped Gloves, Tombfist
  • Rings, Belt, Amulet: Crimson Jewel, Jade Amulet, Diamond Ring, Topaz Ring, Leather Belt, Mark of the Elder
  • Boots: Nubuck Boots
  • Jewels:Wildfire, Viridian, Viridian
  • Flasks: Ample Diamond Flask Of Grounding, Vessel of Vinktar, Atziri's Promise


Recommended Leveling Uniques

Tabula, Wake of Destruction, Belt of the Deceiver, Atziri's Foible, Thief's Torment, Brightbeak, Brightbeak

Those are really good for this build. Tabula is always amazing. If you can use Thiefs Torment you can use the Amulet to help with mana problems. Belt is a nice dmg boost. The boots are pretty much viable until the endgame. Goldrim and Houp are classics for fixing your resists. Brightbeak is amazing with Sunder. Ondars is a solid dmg boost.

General Informations

The Build Starts with Molten Strike immediately and you get 'Ancestral Call' right after completing the Mercy Mission quest in Act1. Then use the folloing supports

Molten Strike > Ancestral Call > Added Lightning Dmg > MultiStrike > Elemental Dmg with Attacks > Increased Area of Effect.

This is the best setup for leveling. You will use Multistrike over Ele With Attacks if you only have a 4L. However Multistrike becomes available at level 38, so you will use Ele with Attacks before that

We get some jewel sockets early or dont if you dont find anything useful. It's important to get Enfeeble+Blasphemy ASAP which will turn you rather tanky early on, you also protect you from getting stunned by quite a bit.

HINT! If you have trouble with Stun, try to use 'Soul of the Brine King Pantheon' as soon as available. In the lategame you will barely even be hit and stun becomes a non-issue.

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Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poetry

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Best Amulet For Ele Dmg Weapons Poe Build

I have a decent amount of money saved up so I want to make a cyclone build. Can you guys help me decide which weapon and build to use. It would be nice if you all list out the pros and cons of each weapon and if send build links to further the descussion. Brain Rattler is also an option, however I don't hear many people talk about it.
Last bumped on Dec 6, 2017, 10:27:31 AM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 1:46:31 PM
They all work, they all clear fast, shaper has fallen to all of them.
It's a matter of taste, not efficiency.
3.5 build:
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 1:51:00 PM

Max Str
get few Dex
become an immortal god
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure on Oct 1, 2017, 1:56:42 PM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 1:54:14 PM
Ngamahu: cheapest, insane singletarget with molten strike if you have the treshold jewels and teh helm enchant.
Starforge vs Disfavour is a different question as you would play pure cyclone with them.
But it is pretty easy to see, that Starforge is way better, because even tho you lose the option to use hatred/hoa, the basedmg and the new phys support gems make up for it, , as ele resists on mobs don't screw with your dmg, pair it with a couple chance to shock jewels and it will demolish pretty much everything, while having various options for your mana pool to reserved for, such as defensive auras or simply go BM.
+ it is way cheaper
Disfavour I think is mainly for sunder/awc builds, but correct, me if I'm wrong, I don't see where it could be better.
4.0 patch notes
* Armor sources have been replaced with condensed milk.
Players can't feel the difference at all
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 1:58:40 PM
Disfavour I think is mainly for sunder/awc builds, but correct, me if I'm wrong, I don't see where it could be better.

Disfavour has +2 support gems, which is AMAZING when used with curses, enhance and empower.
Put cyclone in your chest, and enjoy your stupidly broken blasphemy auras.
Also, Starforge and Disfavour are not restricted to be played as pure cyclone.
You can also run a singletarget attack, if you want to. I don't see how Ngamahu may use such a setup, but Starforge may not.
e.g. single target on weapon swap:
3.5 build:
Last edited by Peterlerock on Oct 1, 2017, 2:05:40 PM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 2:03:58 PM
Disfavour I think is mainly for sunder/awc builds, but correct, me if I'm wrong, I don't see where it could be better.

Disfavour has +2 support gems, which is AMAZING when used with curses, enhance and empower.
Put cyclone in your chest, and enjoy your stupidly broken blasphemy auras.

Curses are worthless if you don't scale curse effect from the tree, and that is there for ES builds to layer their defenses, but even they are rather scaling purities atm to do that.
4.0 patch notes
* Armor sources have been replaced with condensed milk.
Players can't feel the difference at all
Last edited by krenderke on Oct 1, 2017, 2:10:42 PM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 2:06:43 PM
Curses are worthless if you don't scale curse effect from the tree, and that is there for ES builds to layer their defenses, but even they are rather scaling purities atm to do that.

'Skittering Runes' is just 2 steps away from the scion life wheel.
And curses are certainly not wortless when supported by lvl 6 empower and lvl 6 enhance.
+40% quality
+5 levels
Your vulnerability will let monsters take ~60% increased damage (free brutality/conc effect), TC will slow for crazy 60%.
Both numbers excluding curse effect from tree and blasphemy quality.
3.5 build:
Last edited by Peterlerock on Oct 1, 2017, 2:20:05 PM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 2:19:24 PM

Skittering Runes' is just 2 steps away from the scion life wheel.
And curses are certainly not wortless when supported by lvl 6 empower and lvl 6 enhance.
+40% quality
+5 levels
Your vulnerability will let monsters take ~60% increased damage (free brutality/conc effect), TC will slow for crazy 60%.
Both numbers excluding curse effect from tree and blasphemy quality.

That's all good, but when you are considering the 60 and 80% less curse effect on bosses it is not that amazing anymore, level 6 empower making most curses like 10% more effective(enhance is harder to evaluate), skittering+blasphemy is 30% inc, resulting in 143% curse effect, which is 57% against regular bosses ( up from 40%), let alone getting more, than 1 curse comes with significant currency investment or tradeoffs.
As for trash mobs, I don't think you need this at all, since they won't hurt you and even an unlinked dmg gem will demolish them at this gear level (seriously I can clear T15 maps with tornado shot-gmp-chain on my archer, which is 2 less modifier in a 3 link setup)
Mana multipliers:
Enhance 1.15
Curse reservation 35% ->>>50.31%
With level 6 enlighten ->> 40.25
If you want to run 2, then you have to dedicate an entire 6link for the setup,(curse-curse-blasp-enh-emp-enl), you need a +1 curse amulet (or an inefficient tree with reservation nodes/whispers of doom), unreserved mana around 20%.
Now compare the cost of level 4 enhance,empower (you may get away with a lower level enlighten), +1 curse amulet of choice to just simply running a warchief totem in that 6link, which is alone granting you 18% more dmg + scaling off of 123% of your base dmg before adding support gems to it and may soak up some dmg instead of you, then if you insist on cursing just use a 4link setup for it without the super expensive gems.
Might be marginally better, than this, but I'm lazy to do the math for it.
Normall on ES builds I play and need the curses I take all the effect on the tree (40%), ofc have blasphemy and use a helmet enchant with curse effect enchant for the most important on (+30%, so 50% and 80% for the chosen one)
But in the end curses suffer the same thing, hatred/hoa suffers from against bosses, which is them being way less effective, than anticipated.
4.0 patch notes
* Armor sources have been replaced with condensed milk.
Players can't feel the difference at all
Last edited by krenderke on Oct 1, 2017, 2:58:42 PM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 2:42:56 PM
Curses are cool, until you realised Guardians & Shapers are 80% reduced effect of curses, far worst then elemental resistence they have.
Curses sure work for trash mods & regular bosses, although most fell like nominos already to make signifcant difference if you roll with either of the 3 end gear Cyclone builds.
I am not saying curves are not good, but they their actual damage abit inflated against end bosses
Anyway, Nagmahu builds usually roll with Cylcone for AOE, & molten strike for single target, while Starforge/Disfavoured usually have Cylcone as main attack & Warchief as suppliment damage boost, so there is a playstyle difefrences.
Some builds I recommended:
Slayer Starforge Cylcone (The one I am rolling now)
Slayer Ngamahu Cyclone
Raider Starforge Cyclone
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 2:57:08 PM
Not going to endlessly discuss that with you, I only wanted to bring up one very interesting thing disfavour can do that cannot be done with starforge:
+2 support being put to use, doing something way more meaningful than a couple %damage points you usually get.
But you may want to take a look here to see how tame triple cursed guardians are (even with 80% less curse effect, look at mino's attackspeed)...
3.5 build:
Last edited by Peterlerock on Oct 1, 2017, 4:20:57 PM
Posted by
on Oct 1, 2017, 4:20:19 PM

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