7dtd What Type Of Dmg Do Zombies Do

Jan 07, 2019  Jan 7 @ 8:56pm. Zombie Fall Damage. In A17 zombies can only take up to 33% of max health per fall you need 3 tiers of falls to kill a zombie in theory evn if. Modifying zombie block damage. Is there anyone out there that have any knowledge about this The possiblity to make zombies not able to damage blocks at all or just certen blocks like concrete Me and my girlfriend is playing 7 days to die, but we kinda got a little fed up repairing our house and having stuff we build destroyed all the time.

I want my zombies to hit as hard as possible. I want to run them with multistrike, melee physical, faster attacks, and added fire damage. I also run hatred. How do I maximize their base damage so this combo of modifiers makes them hit hard? This is not about their modified damage but about how to max their base so these modifiers are most effective.
Is base zombie melee damage determined by the Mlvl of the corps they come from? So should I go to the highest Mlvl zone and get my zombies there then bring them back to farm in the docks? Do they delevel when I switch zones to a lower zone?
Is base damage determined or influenced by the level of the zombie gem? Should I put them in a +2 minion helm? I know this gives them more life, and a little more of the 'more damage' from two levels but does this affect their base damage also? Would going four gems in a helm make them hit harder than two levels lower with five or six gems?
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Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 7:07:34 PM
Base damage is most likely determined solely by the level of the zombie gem. Raising them in mud flats normal or a lvl 77 map has no effect on them.
Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 7:45:41 PM
Thanks Evil. I guess this means the best zombies come from a +2 minion helm for the extra damage and life, and not a 6l. Kinda sad. I wanted to 6l my zombies and make them uber, but they are better in a 4l. Anyone disagree that zombies are best in a +2 minion helm?
Does player level affect zombies damage?
~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~
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Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 8:01:00 PM
This has been discussed before though...
Base damage is most likely determined solely by the level of the zombie gem. Raising them in mud flats normal or a lvl 77 map has no effect on them.

Can you confirm that zombies does not delevel when brought to lower level maps? cause I've heard several people claiming that they do delevel, I haven't done any extensive tests on this yet so I can't really say what's what.
Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 8:20:33 PM
The link you posted Sarah is about spectres/zombies and keeping them alive. There is stuff in there about zombie support gems but no one said anything certain about zombie base damage. It just mentions that zombies might do more damage in a 4l with +2 but not much is said about why.
Where I am going with this is an MF build where my zombies take stuff down and I cull for the final blow. Spectres kill stuff too fast I can't get that last shot off, so I don't want my spectres in my 5l or 6l overkilling even more. They are fine in a 4l IMHO.
Honestly I bet that zombies get more base damage from 2 gem levels than from say a melee phys multiplier.
~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~
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Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 8:35:43 PM

Can you confirm that zombies does not delevel when brought to lower level maps? cause I've heard several people claiming that they do delevel, I haven't done any extensive tests on this yet so I can't really say what's what.

Zombies do not delevel. Their stats are based on the level of the raise zombie gem used to raise them. You can raise your zombies at normal ledge and they will have the same stats as a zombie you raised in maps.
Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 8:57:37 PM
So dessloc, I know zombie life and possibly resists are based on the gem level, as the wiki shows, but you say base zombie damage too?
~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~
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Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 9:13:15 PM
So dessloc, I know zombie life and possibly resists are based on the gem level, as the wiki shows, but you say base zombie damage too?

All of a zombie's base stats are populated when it is raised, see here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/13728/page/35
Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 9:49:18 PM
So dessloc, I know zombie life and possibly resists are based on the gem level, as the wiki shows, but you say base zombie damage too?

It would make sense that the base damage is based on the gem level, as everything else about the raised zombie is as well. Now, I would imagine that it increases with every level, even before level 15 where the 'More Damage' stat starts to come into play.
Also check the gamepedia POE raise zombie gem chart.
Edit: Also, placing your zombies in a 4L +2 minion helm will certainly boost them (and any other additional minion gems in the helm as well), but it may also be beneficial to place them in a 6L because the boost from high level gems linked to it might outdo the +2 levels from the helm.
And then Boem said, 'You're a goat eating a toilet, so you are absolved of any and all errors.'
Last edited by GoatEatingToilet on Aug 15, 2013, 10:04:23 PM
Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 9:58:19 PM
Thanks for all the help. I guess my zombies will be consigned and confined to a 4l helm. Going to run Raise Zombies with melee physical, multistrike, and faster attacks.
This is the highest combination of multiplier gems for their melee damage, right? I assume multistrike is greater than minion damage because my passives and gear includes 150% inc minion damage already, and I run anger and wrath, which scale well with multiple hits.
Edit: I agree that you could max their damage slightly higher with a 6l compared to a 4l helm with plus 2 minions, but the amount of damage they gain from the levels 20-22 is unknown and very likely significant.
Giving them minion damage and added fire would add a 1.8 multiplier on a smaller base and take away 5k health, regen from vitality, some resists, some base damage, 6% more damage. Plus that 6l would give you way more on any other skill like on spectres.
They need to make a unique chest with +2 minion levels. Then you could really eat some brains.
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~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~
Posted by
on Aug 15, 2013, 10:36:54 PM
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