Diablo 2 Duriel Dmg Normal

  1. Diablo 2 Duriel Help
  2. Diablo 2 Duriel Dmg Normal Level

Andy TC15, Duriel TC24, Meph TC33, Diablo TC36, Baal TC42. For jewelry, I think you can look up the specific piece's qlvl, and the monster level needs to be at least that for it to be able to drop (eg SoJ's qlvl is 39, so normal Diablo can drop it because he is mlvl 40).

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Diablo II Monsters[e]
Animals • Demons • Undead
Complete Monster Listing
Modifiers • Experience
Champions • SuperUniques
Monster Categories
Animals • Demons • Undead
Act Bosses • Guest Monsters
Objects • SuperUniques
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses
  • Act One: Andariel
  • Act Two: Duriel
  • Act Three: Mephisto
  • Act Four: Diablo
  • Act Five: Baal
Monster Type
is a Monster
and a Demon
and a SuperUnique
and an Act Boss

Duriel is a Demon, a SuperUnique, and an Act Boss.

Duriel is the boss of Act Two, and must be defeated to advance to Act Three. He's found in the one true Tomb of Tal Rasha, and reached by inserting the completed Horadric Staff into the orifice. Characters who descend through the tunnel opened by this event will encounter Duriel in a small, pit-like level where the demon's speed and charging ability can be put to merciless use. Duriel must be defeated to complete the last quest in Act Two, before moving on to Act Three is possible.

Duriel is a juggernaut of crunching, close range pain. Possessed of massive size, a fierce charging attack, and a rapid fire jab, Duriel can beat his way through the toughest meat shields, while protecting himself with a movement and attack-slowing Holy Freeze aura. His aura can not be resisted or negated with any type of equipment, including 'Can not be frozen' gear. It can be avoided by standing some distance away from him; v1.10 greatly reduced the radius of Holy Freeze and most other target-effecting auras, and ranged attackers can now stand clear of the cold if they back up to the corners of Duriel's pit.

Prior to v1.09, Duriel was one of the nastiest monsters in the game, and hardcore characters feared to face him without a nicely mixed party with minions, high hit point bonuses, and varied types of damage. In v1.09 Duriel was nerfed a bit, especially the speed with which he launched his first attack and the damage he did with his Charge. This took away his 'kill you before the level finishes loading' capability, and as of v1.11 he's still a brute, but not an especially deadly one.


As the Sin War plodded along through the centuries, many in Hell began to wonder just what it was they were fighting over. The Lesser Evils of Hell were growing tired of the endless ebb and flow in the tides of mortal favor, as well as those in the elaborate schemes of the three Prime Evils - Diablo, Baal and Mephisto. The Lesser Evils longed to return to the epic days of the Great Conflict, and lay siege again to the gates of the High Heavens.

Two of the Lesser Evils, Azmodan and Belial, saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two Demon lords made a pact with Andariel and Duriel - as well as their minor brethren - assuring them that humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate and achieve victory in the Sin War, ultimately riding the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers, seeking to send them into a Dark Exile.

Over the next two centuries, the three imprisoned brothers focused their Demonic powers upon corrupting the Soulstones that bound them to the mortal plane and began bending the will of any nearby humans. Mephisto was the first imprisoned and, consequently, was the first to break free from his bondage. His wrath against those who had put him such a compromised position was swift and merciless.

As punishment for his part in the Dark Exile that sent the Prime Evils to the mortal realm, Duriel has been left behind by Baal to guard the Tomb of Tal Rasha. Embittered by this new position of solitary servitude, the Lord of Pain has claimed the souls and blood of many bold adventurers.

  • Stats are displayed by difficult level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.

Diablo 2 Duriel Help


Diablo 2 Duriel Dmg Normal Level

  • The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest Treasure Class/Rune Group a normal monster of that type can drop.
    • Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher TC.
    • The max TC/Rune possible depends on which level a monster spawns in, and can vary slightly from the listed values (monsters that spawn in later levels can drop higher level items). See the item calculators to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
Name Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
Duriel 22 / 55 / 88 6007 / 147,990 / 914,751
3995 / 55799 / 84524
10 24/Ral, 51/Lem, 72/Ber


Duriel's stats are all preset. He does not get any random Monster Modifiers.

  • Duriel's jab attack can hit several times in rapid succession.
  • Duriel's Smite strike will stun targets.
  • Duriel's charge attack is very dangerous, but can only be used from a distance.
Name Jab Jab AR Smite Smite AR Charge Shock

Physical (stun):


Duriel's aura functions like the Paladin's Holy Freeze. It adds cold damage to his attacks, deals minor cold damage to all affected enemies, and slows all movement and attack speed considerably.

Name Cold Aura: Normal Cold Aura: NM Cold Aura: Hell
Duriel Cold damage: 2-3
+Cold damage: +10-15
Slows targets: 30%
Cold Damage: 5-6
+Cold damage: +25-30
Slows targets: 40%
Cold Damage: 9-10
+Cold Damage: +45-50
Slows targets: 46%


Like the other act bosses, Duriel does not regenerate any hit points.

  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Name Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness


112 / 907 / 2044
0% / 25% / 50% --
100 / 100 / 100
25 / 15 / 0


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be 'broken' by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Name Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic


0% / 0% / 50%
20% / 50% / 75%
50% / 75% / 95%
20% / 50% / 75%
20% / 50% / 75%
0% / 0% / 33%


All SuperUniques (except for Uber Diablo) are found in roughly the same location every game, on all three difficulty levels. (Except for the Uber Monsters who are only found on Hell Difficulty.)

Name Location
DurielAct 2: In Tal Rasha's Tomb, entered through a wall that is collapsed by inserting the Horadric Staff into the orifice, in the one true tomb reached from the Canyon of the Magi.


I am your doom!
Looking for Baal?

Monsters of Diablo II
AnimalsDemonsUndeadAct 1 BossesAct 2 BossesAct 3 BossesAct 4 BossesAct 5 BossesObjectsMonster InfoAct & Uber Bosses
Abominable - Animal - Baboon Demon - Bat Demon - Blood Hawk - Claw Viper - Death Mauler - Frog Demon - Frozen Horror - Giant Mosquito - Giant Spider - Hell Bovine - Leaper - Minion - Saber Cat - Sand Maggot - Sand Maggot Egg - Sand Maggot Young - Sand Raider - Scarab Demon - Siege Beast - Slinger - Spike Fiend - Suicide Minion - Swarm - Tentacle Beast - Thorned Hulk - Vulture Demon - Wendigo - Zakarum Priest - Zakarum Zealot
Blood Lord - Blunderbore - Corrupt Rogue - Corrupt Rogue Archer - Corrupt Rogue Spearwoman - Council Member - Death Mauler - Demon - Demon Imp - Fallen - Fallen Shaman - Festering Appendages - Fetish - Fetish Blowdart - Fetish Shaman - Goatman - Megademon - Minion - Minion of Destruction - Overseer - Pain Worm - Putrid Defiler - Regurgitator - Spike Fiend - Stygian Fury - Succubus - Suicide Minion - Tainted - Vile Child - Vile Mother - Vulture Demon
Bone Fetish - Finger Mage - Greater Mummy - Mummy - Oblivion Knight - Reanimated Horde - Skeleton - Skeleton Archer - Skeleton Mage - Undead - Vampire - Vulture Demon - Willowisp - Wraith - Zombie
Act One BossesAndariel - Bishibosh - Blood Raven - Bone Ash - Bonebreaker - Coldcrow - Corpsefire - Cow King - Griswold - Pitspawn Fouldog - Rakanishu - The Countess - The Smith - Treehead Woodfist
Act Two BossesAncient Kaa the Soulless - Blood Witch the Wild - Coldworm the Burrower - Creeping Feature - Dark Elder - Duriel - Fangskin - Fire Eye - Radament - The Summoner
Act Three BossesBattlemaid Sarina - Bremm Sparkfist - Geleb Flamefinger - Icehawk Riftwing - Ismail Vilehand - Maffer Dragonhand - Mephisto - Sszark the Burning - Stormtree - Toorc Icefist - Witch Doctor Endugu - Wyand Voidbringer
Act Four BossesDiablo - Grand Vizier of Chaos - Hephasto the Armorer - Infector of Souls - Izual - Lord De Seis -
Act Five BossesAchmel the Cursed - Baal - Bartuc the Bloody - Bonesaw Breaker - Colenzo the Annihilator - Dac Farren - Eldritch the Rectifier - Eyeback the Unleashed - Frozenstein - Korlic - Lister the Tormentor - Madawc - Nihlathak - Pindleskin - Sharptooth Slayer - Shenk the Overseer - Snapchip Shatter - Talic - Thresh Socket - Ventar the Unholy
Barricade - Barricaded Tower - Blood Hawk Nest - Catapult - Chest - Evil Demon Huts - Fire Tower - Flying Scimitar - Gargoyle Trap - Lightning Spire - Mummy Sarcophagus - Objects - Prison Door - Trapped Soul
Monster Info
Monster Basics - Guest Monsters - Boss Monsters - Boss Modifiers - Act Bosses - Uber Monsters - Experience
Act Bosses
Uber Monsters
Act Bosses:Andariel - Duriel - Mephisto - Diablo - Baal -
Pandemonium Diablo - Lilith - Uber Izual - Uber Duriel - Uber Baal - Uber Diablo - Uber Mephisto -
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In nightmare and hell mode, the Area Level is basically used to determine the types of items (and their mods) that can be dropped from monsters, as well as changing to-hit calculations on a monster. It also also plays a role in determining the possible item types from chests and chest-like objects, in all difficulty levels.

For a useful Diablo 2 Expansion (1.10+) example, grand charms that appear with a +skillbranch mod can only appear on monsters that have been killed from The Great Marsh in act 3 in nightmare difficulty onwards. Technically, the +skillbranch mod can only appear on items of ilvl 50+, and the ilvl of an item is equal to the mlvl of the monster that dropped it, and the mlvl is equal to the area level that the monster was spawned in.

Diablo 2 duriel dmg normal level

Via [1]:

Ilevel 50+ = plain skillers (plain mosters NM Great Marsh onwards)

ilevel 61+ = skillers with 31-35 life (plain monsters most of Act 5 NM onwards)


ilevel 77+ = skiller with 36-40 life (plain monsters Hell Lost City onwards; Pindle)

ilevel 91+ = skiller with 41-45 life (Hell Baal ilevel 99, Hell Nithy ilevel 95 and Hell Diablo ilevel 94)

Caveats: Named special monsters like Baal or Diablo have their own special mlvls, and drop items with an ilvl independent of the area level they spawn in as far as I remember. Champion monsters (monsters that have their name prefixed with fanatic, ghostly, etc) and regular unique monsters like 'Devil Bender the Unclean' have an mlvl/drop items of ilvl that is +2 and +3 of the area level, respectively.

Act Normal alvl Nightmare alvl Hell alvl Level Name
Act 1 1 36 67Blood Moor
Act 1 2 36 68Cold Plains
Act 1 4 37 68Stony Field
Act 1 5 38 68Dark Wood
Act 1 6 38 69Black Marsh
Act 1 8 39 69Tamoe Highland
Act 1 1 36 79Den of Evil
Act 1 2 36 77The Cave Level 1
Act 1 4 37 69Underground Passage Level 1
Act 1 5 38 80The Hole Level 1
Act 1 7 39 85The Pit Level 1
Act 1 2 37 78The Cave Level 2
Act 1 4 38 83Underground Passage Level 2
Act 1 5 39 81The Hole Level 2
Act 1 7 40 85The Pit Level 2
Act 1 3 36 80Burial Grounds
Act 1 3 37 83Crypt
Act 1 3 37 85Mausoleum
Act 1 7 38 75Tower Cellar Level 1
Act 1 7 39 76Tower Cellar Level 2
Act 1 7 40 77Tower Cellar Level 3
Act 1 7 41 78Tower Cellar Level 4
Act 1 7 42 79Tower Cellar Level 5
Act 1 8 40 70Monastery Gate
Act 1 9 40 70Outer Cloister
Act 1 9 40 70Barracks
Act 1 10 41 71Jail Level 1
Act 1 10 41 71Jail Level 2
Act 1 10 41 71Jail Level 3
Act 1 10 41 72Inner Cloister
Act 1 11 42 72Cathedral
Act 1 11 42 72Catacombs Level 1
Act 1 11 42 73Catacombs Level 2
Act 1 12 43 73Catacombs Level 3
Act 1 12 43 73Catacombs Level 4
Act 1 6 39 76Tristram
Act 1 28 64 81Secret Cow Level
Act 2 14 43 75Rocky Waste
Act 2 15 44 76Dry Hills
Act 2 16 45 76Far Oasis
Act 2 17 46 77Lost City
Act 2 18 46 77Valley of Snakes
Act 2 16 48 79Canyon of the Magi
Act 2 13 43 74Sewers Level 1
Act 2 13 43 74Sewers Level 2
Act 2 14 44 75Sewers Level 3
Act 2 13 47 78Harem Level 2
Act 2 13 47 78Palace Cellar Level 1
Act 2 13 47 78Palace Cellar Level 2
Act 2 13 48 78Palace Cellar Level 3
Act 2 12 44 78Stony Tomb Level 1
Act 2 12 44 79Halls of the Dead Level 1
Act 2 13 45 81Halls of the Dead Level 2
Act 2 14 47 82Claw Viper Temple Level 1
Act 2 12 44 79Stony Tomb Level 2
Act 2 13 45 82Halls of the Dead Level 3
Act 2 14 47 83Claw Viper Temple Level 2
Act 2 17 45 84Maggot Lair Level 1
Act 2 17 45 84Maggot Lair Level 2
Act 2 17 46 85Maggot Lair Level 3
Act 2 17 46 85Ancient Tunnels
Act 2 17 49 80Tal Rasha's Tomb
Act 2 17 49 80Tal Rasha's Chamber
Act 2 14 48 79Arcane Sanctuary
Act 3 21 49 79Spider Forest
Act 3 21 50 80Great Marsh
Act 3 22 50 80Flayer Jungle
Act 3 22 52 80Lower Kurast
Act 3 22 52 81Kurast Bazaar
Act 3 23 52 81Upper Kurast
Act 3 24 53 81Kurast Causeway
Act 3 24 54 82Travincal
Act 3 21 50 79Spider Cave (Arachnid Lair)
Act 3 21 50 79Spider Cavern
Act 3 21 51 80Swampy Pit Level 1
Act 3 21 51 81Swampy Pit Level 2
Act 3 22 51 81Flayer Dungeon Level 1
Act 3 22 51 82Flayer Dungeon Level 2
Act 3 21 51 82Swampy Pit Level 3
Act 3 22 51 83Flayer Dungeon Level 3
Act 3 23 52 84Sewers Level 1
Act 3 24 53 85Sewers Level 2
Act 3 23 53 84Ruined Temple (In Kurast Bazaar)
Act 3 23 53 84Disused Fane (In Kurast Bazaar)
Act 3 23 53 84Forgotten Reliquary (In Upper Kurast)
Act 3 24 54 85Forgotten Temple (In Upper Kurast)
Act 3 24 54 85Ruined Fane (In Kurast Causeway)
Act 3 24 54 85Disused Reliquary (In Kurast Causeway)
Act 3 25 55 83Durance of Hate Level 1
Act 3 25 55 83Durance of Hate Level 2
Act 3 25 55 83Durance of Hate Level 3
Act 4 26 56 82Outer Steppes
Act 4 26 56 83Plains of Despair
Act 4 27 57 84City of the Damned
Act 4 27 57 85River of Flame
Act 4 28 58 85Chaos Sanctuary
Act 5 24 58 80Bloody Foothills
Act 5 25 59 81Frigid Highlands
Act 5 26 60 81Arreat Plateau
Act 5 29 61 82 Crystalized Cavern Level 1 (Crystalline Passage)
Act 5 29 61 83 Cellar of Pity (Frozen River)
Act 5 29 61 83 Crystalized Cavern Level 2 (Glacial Trail)
Act 5 29 61 84 Echo Chamber (Drifter Cavern)
Act 5 27 60 81 Tundra Wastelands (Frozen Tundra)
Act 5 29 62 82 Glacial Caves Level 1 (Ancients' Way)
Act 5 29 62 83 Glacial Caves Level 2 (Icy Cellar)
Act 5 37 68 87 Rocky Summit (Arreat Summit)
Act 5 32 63 83Nihlathak's Temple
Act 5 33 63 83Halls of Anguish
Act 5 34 64 84 Halls of Death's Calling (Halls of Pain)
Act 5 36 64 84Halls of Vaught
Act 5 39 60 81 Hell 1 (Abaddon)
Act 5 39 61 82 Hell 2 (Pit of Acheron)
Act 5 39 62 83 Hell 3 (Infernal Pit)
Act 5 39 65 85The Worldstone Keep Level 1
Act 5 40 65 85The Worldstone Keep Level 2
Act 5 42 66 85The Worldstone Keep Level 3
Act 5 43 66 85Throne of Destruction
Act 5 43 66 85Worldstone Chamber

Via [2]

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